Are college students truly prepared for entry into professional life? Do they graduate having confidence in their ability to handle everything life is going to throw at them financially? Are they able to make critical decisions about the money they are working to earn, and do they fully comprehend the consequences of those decisions? Equip your students with the knowledge and skills they require to tackle real-world financial decisions with confidence, and provide them with a foundational head-start that will distinguish them from their peers.

feature this course in your classroom

If you are interested in providing access to this unique and life-changing curriculum to the students in your classroom, please send us a message. We’d love to speak with you in further detail about how we can help make that happen.

The future is now

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Discover Balance

The interactive Personal Economic Model® brings concepts to life with visual reinforcement of key principles. Distinctly more than vital financial information, it’s financial understanding. College push the limit.jpeg

Push the Limit

The confidence gained by establishing a solid and secure financial foundation at the outset, can carry you well into the future and beyond. We’ve provided every resource you’ll need to get there. College seize the future.jpeg

Seize the Future

Discover this unique piece of financial education, which will bring a positive impact to the lives of the young people who will shape the world of tomorrow, and its future.


“There are only two ways to improve your present financial position. One is to find better products, which may potentially pay higher rates of return, but WHICH often require more risk. The second is to be more efficient, by avoiding unnecessary losses. There is more to be GAINED by avoiding the losses, than in trying to pick the winners!”

Don Blanton | Founder, PEM LIFE

  • 15 Core Units

  • 64 Individual Lessons

  • 30 Financial Calculators

  • Hours of Video Instruction

  • Impact for a Lifetime
